Consumer & Retail

Talent Strategy for an Innovative World

Consumer and Retail companies are in an era of transformation. Today's most successful consumer brands have built their success upon a workforce and leadership that combines functional expertise with a passion for innovation.

Consumer product companies have a defining need for professionals who are strategic, innovative, collaborative, adaptive, disciplined, and with a keen awareness of the vital importance of technology in leading the transformation of the business.

Digital technologies have given consumers unparalleled access to products and information, significantly raising the bar for the customer experience in all retail related sectors.

Even before the massive leadership challenge of the global pandemic, the travel, hospitality and leisure sectors faced industry model turmoil with rapid international expansions, evolving models of ownership and management and emerging outbound travel markets. 

Our global experience delivering comprehensive talent solutions for our clients ensures a direct impact on performance, growth and transformation, driving revenue and providing our clients with true, meaningful value within the Consumer and Retail sectors. Our industry networks and experience coupled with our outstanding global research capability enable us to reach and attract the talent that will impact your success. 

We maintain an extensive professional network in the following sectors;

Let us be part of your journey.
Contact us to discuss how we can
help with your talent success.