Information For Residents

California Residents: Do not sell my Personal Information
California Consumer Protection Act

California Consumer Protection Act​​The California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) gives California residents the right to opt out of the “sale” of their personal information, as that term is defined in the CCPA. As defined, the term may include some of our sharing of personal information about potential candidates with a prospective employer.

If you are a California resident, you may opt out of such sharing with prospective employers by emailing and clearly instructing us that is your wish. This will opt you out of the “sale” of your personal information within the meaning of the CCPA. We may contact you to verify your identity if we are uncertain that data we hold pertains to you.

This could result in fewer career opportunities for you, but it will not prevent us from disclosing your details to particular employers that you tell us you are interested in pursuing.

You must provide at least one email address below since we have an email address on file for most individuals in our database. This also allows us to provide you confirmation that your request has been processed or to contact you if we have questions about your request. Since we sometimes have multiple, separate records for a single individual, we encourage you to also provide an additional email address, as well as your name and the name of your current or prior employer. This will maximize our ability to fully honor your request.

Information For Nevada Residents

Provided that you are a resident of Nevada and the Nevada Consumer Privacy Law applies to our processing of your data, the following conditions apply to you:

1. Your Rights – Nevada Residents

Nevada residents have the right to request that we not make any sale (as that term is defined the in the Nevada Consumer Privacy Law) of certain categories of personal data that we have collected or will collect about you.

2. Sale of Nevada Personal Information

We do not sell the personal information of any Nevada residents, as that term is defined in the Nevada Consumer Privacy Law.

Information For Canada Residents
Provided you are a resident of Canada, the following conditions apply to you:
1. Consent

By using our services, submitting information to us in connection with our services, by interacting with us, and by visiting, interacting with or using our website, you are providing your consent to the processing of personal data as set out in this Privacy Policy. You may withdraw consent at any time, subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice. If you withdraw your consent, we may not be able to provide you with the requested services, and it may impact the functionality of our website.

2. Your Rights – Canada Residents

You have the right to access and rectify the personal data we hold about you. You can request access or rectification by contacting us at as described under “Contact us” below.

3. Cross-border transfer

Data about potential candidates is shared with Cobalt Parsons Human Capital  offices worldwide upon request and personal data we handle may be stored or processed on our behalf by other Cobalt Parsons Human Capital  offices. A full list of Cobalt Parsons Human Capital  ‎offices is provided on this website. Some of our service providers may also access, process or store your personal data outside of the country where we are located and where you reside. Such data may therefore be available to government authorities under lawful orders and laws applicable in such foreign jurisdictions.

4. Contact us

If you have questions about this Privacy Policy and our data-handling practices, you may contact our Data Protection Team at

Information For Turkey Residents

Provided you are a resident of Turkey and theTurkey data protection legislation (TDPL) applies to our processing of your personal information, the following conditions apply to you:

1. Legal basis according to TDPL

The legal basis for the processing of your data under TDPL is as follows:

Potential Candidate data -- The legal basis for the processing of potential candidate data is that the data was made publicly available data by data subjects from the online channels

Candidate data -- The legal basis for our processing of candidate data is your consent ‎and – as far as only your ‎business card details or data collected from publicly available ‎sources are processed – that the data was made publicly available data by data subjects from the online channels; Processing of personal data of the Candidates is necessary, if it is directly related to the establishment or performance of the contract with Business Partners and it is needed to perform legal obligations as an employment agency.

Data regarding participants in surveys and studies -- The legal basis for our processing of data regarding participants in surveys and studies is your consent.

Data regarding references of Candidates -- The legal basis for processing data regarding references of candidates is their consent.

Data regarding Service Providers, Business Partners and their Employees -- ‎The legal bases for processing are directly related to the establishment or performance of the contract with Business Partners.

Data regarding Business Contacts and Communication Partners -- ‎The legal basis for processing data from actual and prospective business contacts and ‎‎communication partners is directly related to the establishment or performance of the contract with Business Partners.

The foregoing legal bases for the processing of your data are defined in TDPL as follows: “consent” is specified in Article 5(1) TDPL; processing of personal data belonging to the parties of a contract, is necessary provided that it is directly related to the conclusion or fulfilment of that contract according to Article 5 (2) lit. c) TDPL; processing is mandatory for the controller to be able to perform his legal obligations according to Article 5 (2) lit. ç) TDPL (Legal obligations of employment agencies: Art. 17 and 19 of Law No. 4904) ;  data concerned is made available to the public by the data subject according to Article 5 (2) lit. d) TDPL;

2. Your Rights – Turkey Residents

You have the following rights according to Article 11 TDPL:

You have the right to get information about whether your personal data has  been processed; if personal data has been processed, the information about  such data processing; information about the purpose for the data processing  and whether the data was used for this purpose; information about the  identities of natural or legal persons to whom the data is transferred to;  correction, erasure, or removal of data; to object to the processing,  exclusively by automatic means, of the personal data, which leads to an  unfavourable consequence for you and to request compensation for the damage  arising from the unlawful processing of personal data.
You can exercise your rights by contacting us at as described under “Contact  us” below.

Contact us
Contact our Data Protection Team at privacy@cobaltparsonscom

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