Strategic Workforce Planning

Prepare for what’s next

Seismic changes in workforce dynamics, consumer behaviours, and technology are underway in every aspect of business. Firms can't predict the future, but they can choose whether to create it, prepare for it, or react to it.  We help our clients avoid the latter.

Using our strategic workforce planning framework, we work with you to determine the best approach to rolling out Strategic Workforce Planning initiatives. We will also provide you with materials and consulting to help you be successful with SWP. We structure each engagement to the preferences and resources of our clients and work with you to fully implement a Strategic Workforce Planning program across your enterprise.

The Cobalt Parsons Human Capital Approach

We believe it is prudent to identify some of the most impactful and volatile factors in a company's future, and to build strategies that allow us to deal with these events, should they occur.  These processes are known as Environment Scanning and Scenario Planning respectively, and they're the fundamental components of our framework for Strategic Workforce Planning.  In addition, we deploy Workforce Data Science to unlock areas of opportunity, risk, and inefficiency within organisations. Our approach allows clients to build a workforce that can execute strategy but is also agile and responsive enough to take advantage of opportunities and change as they arise.

We work to align workforce strategy to organisational strategy, enabling HR to think strategically about the business, and the business to think strategically about talent.  

Our Partners are delighted to discuss how our Strategic Workforce Planning practice can impact your readiness for the road ahead.

Let us be part of your journey.
Contact us to discuss how we can
help with your talent success.